Child Care Proceedings

Child Care Proceedings

The assistance of someone who understands the legal process is vital in cases where social services have either threatened to take a child into care or have actually done so, and the more difficult or complicated the circumstances may be, the more you need us in your corner fighting your case with you and for you from the first advice to representing you in court. If you find yourself in this position, there is no time for delay – contact us now.

The term “care proceedings” refers to what happens when social services ask the court to decide whether a child’s situation is such that a legal order is needed to protect them from harm. Before the proceedings begin, the social worker responsible must send papers to the court saying why the child’s situation gives them cause for concern and you will receive a copy of these papers. You absolutely must contact one of our solicitors who specialise in childcare without any delay.

Decisions will be made by the Family Court as early as the first hearing and they will include whether the court should make an interim care or supervision order, where thechild should live between then and the final hearing, and the amount of contact you should have. We will help you both before and during investigations andcourt proceedings and our focus will be on keeping the emotional strain on your family to a minimum while ensuring that your case is presented in court professionally and in the child-focused manner the court requires.

Temple Gate Solicitors are specialised in Child Care Proceedings and can help you through this process.  To book a consultation with one of our legal experts contact us on 020 7183 8043 or send us a message by clicking here.

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