Ending Civil Partnerships

Ending Civil Partnerships

We also offer support based on our years of experience of assisting separating couples and advising on dissolution to those in a civil partnership who wish to bring it to an end. Civil partnerships are terminated by something called a Civil Partnership Dissolution, which proceeds in a way very much like divorce. Civil partnerships can be ended on the same grounds as are available to married couples, with the single exception that adultery is not a ground for dissolution. The treatment of civil partners in relation to finances, pension benefits, social security, inheritance tax and property is no different from the way spouses are treated, and this includes applications for parental responsibility for a partner’s children. The treatment of partners of the same sex who live together but have not entered into a civil partnership is, in law, the same as for heterosexual cohabiting partners.

Eligibility for civil partnership dissolution is available where:

To prove the latter provision, the applicant must be able to show one of the following:

After filing the petition, the process is as for divorce and should be expected to take up to five months. The court may wish to inquire into the facts presented to them and will grant a dissolution order if satisfied on the evidence that the civil partnership has irretrievably broken down. Firm rules on financial rights in the event of dissolution do not exist and you should look for expert advice (which we will happily provide) on forms of asset division likely to be accepted by the courts.

Temple Gate Solicitors are specialised in Civil Partnerships and can help you to protect your interests.  To book a consultation with one of our legal experts contact us on 020 7183 8043 or send us a message by clicking here.

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