Visit Visas

Visit Visas

This visa is used by those coming to the UK temporarily, usually for up to 6 months, perhaps as a tourist or to visit friends or family. Visitors are not allowed to work or study save on specific tasks they have permission to carry out.

Visit visas are separated into a number of different categories although they all now fall under the ‘Standard Visitor Visa’ application:

  • Family Visitor visa
  • General Visitor visa
  • Child Visitor visa
  • Business Visitor visa, including visas for academics, doctors and dentists
  • Sports Visitor visa
  • Entertainer Visitor visa
  • Prospective Entrepreneur visa
  • Private Medical Treatment Visitor visa
  • Approved Destination Status (ADS) visa
  • Business Visitor visa

Businesses visas are for those who work abroad but wish to do short-term work on their own or their employer’s behalf. This covers people like visiting professors, film crew, religious workers, people doing one-off training and advisers. The visa holder must stick to the task they claim to be doing, look after themselves while in the country, not rely on public funds and leave before their visa expires. They must also not receive their pay from a UK source unless their employer is a multinational. There is a separate visa for paid engagements but that is for specific rolls.

Family Visitor visas are used for visiting family members who may be residing in the UK. In order to obtain this visa, the applicant must show who they are going to visit and show that they are over 18 and intend to visit the UK for less than 6 months – this can be increased to 12 months if they are accompanying an academic visitor. The applicant must be able to show that they can financially support themselves without the need to rely on public funding and that they will leave the UK before their visa expires.

Child Visitor visas are for those under the age of 18 who wish to visit the UK for less than 6 months. They must have enough funds for their entire trip including travel so that they do not have to rely on public funds. The applicant will have to show that arrangements have been made for them to be looked after by a relative or foster carer, have contact information for a parent or guardian back home and be able to prove that the parental figure on both sides has agreed to this. The applicant must not take paid or unpaid employment or marry or register in a civil partnership while under the visa, nor must they receive any private medical treatment in the UK. If travelling with an adult, the adult’s name will appear on the visa and they must travel with that adult.

The Entertainer, Sports Person, Student & General Tourist visas work in the same manner as the other visitor visas. They all require the applicant to only perform any work or task agreed to, to be able to look after their own finances without resorting to public funds and to leave before their visa has expired. The parent of a child at school visa works in the same way but the parent must show that they are visiting their child at an independent school and that the child is under 12 years of age.

A visa for a Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board(PLAB) Test is an example of a much more specific visa where a doctor applies for to be allowed to come to the UK in order to sit a specific test. They may actually perform periods of clinical work while they are in the UK. Another example is the Visitor for Marriage and Civil Partnership visa where the couples require access for the time of their union only.

There is a visitor’s visa for private medical treatment. Under this visa, the applicant can only travel as long as their medical condition is not one that represents a danger to the public health. All costs and expenses must be met by the applicant. This stay can be extended if sufficient evidence can be provided by the applicant’s doctor that it is necessary. There is also a visa for those passing through, i.e. the in-transit visa for stopovers before the applicant’s final destination.

Temple Gate Solicitors are specialised in visit visa applications and can help you to apply to enter the UK. To book a consultation with one of our legal experts contact us on 020 7183 8043 or send us a message by clicking here.

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